“I never had a connection with people that started through a shared love for paleontology. The trip I took to the Paleo Academy: Kansas camp was not only eye opening to the possibilities of paleontology, but helped me make lifelong friends in the field. Without the scholarship that helped me go to this amazing experience, I never would’ve met the incredible friends I made, or the people that taught us the in’s and out’s of paleontology. The Sternberg Science camps were a pivotal moment in my paleo career, and I thank Sternberg for the scholarship that got me to the wonderful experience."
– Jaxon Davison (Kansas): Paleontology Academy Kansas (2024)
Addison Lacy (WI)
Addison with a coprolite fossil stuck to her tongue at Field Paleontology: Kansas camp.
“During camp I learned so much! I was able to spend lots of time with professionals asking questions and just listening to what they had to say. Everyone really wanted me to ask questions and was excited to answer them. I learned a lot about how field paleontology works, professionalism, the western interior seaway, and how to get into paleontology as a career. I was able to learn so much without getting overwhelmed. I think all that I learned will definitely help me in the future.
Getting to be around people that love the same thing as much as I do is amazing as well. Being able to talk about paleontology with other teenagers was really cool and not something I get to do very often. I've made some of the best friends I have ever had at this camp."
Mike Coyne during the comparative anatomy component of Field Paleontology: Kansas camp.
"A great thing about the Sternberg Science Camps is that they fill a niche that is not often provided by other educational outreach programs. There are a wide variety of resources for elementary age students who are just beginning to get interested in science, and a good number of resources for college students (if you know where to look.) However, there are far fewer resources available for middle school and high school students interested in paleontology and evolutionary biology, which keep their passion for the subject ignited. I hope that Sternberg Science Camps continues to provide this crucial resource to many other students for the foreseeable future."
– Mike Coyne (New York): Field Paleontology: Kansas, Intro to Fossil Preparation (2022), Virtual Camps (2020, 2021)
Breanda Gomez (CA)
Breanda Gomez in the Sternberg Museum zoology collections during Research Methods camp (2019)
"I have never been so excited to wake up the next day and continue working. The feeling I got when I was preparing my tiny fish fossil or sitting in front of a computer understanding 'R Programming' was one that I had never felt before. Before these camps, I did not know what it meant to truly feel that I was headed down the right path, that I was moving myself toward where I’m supposed to be.
Paleontology is something I am incredibly passionate about, and these camps were the best thing to happen to my love for paleontology. Even better, these camps were an engaging way to get me excited to work with other scientists when I continue to participate in scientific opportunities in the future."
– Breanda Gomez (California): Paleontology Research Methods (2019), Intro to Fossil Preparation (2019), Virtual Camps (2020), Camps Staff (2021)
Breanda is currently a junior at Amherst University where she is studying paleontology.
Katie Gatlin (OK)
Katie Gatlin at our Miocene paleontology site, where students excavated fossil plants and vertebrates.
As a student, your education programs have helped me grow exponentially. The lessons taught to me by your incredible staff have stayed with me since my first attendance in 2015 as a sixth grader. Each of them I routinely use both in school, and out. My time in your programs has led me down a path I will continue to follow over the course of my life. With my intentions of becoming a paleontologist, your work has allowed me to see what I enjoy most in the fields of science. I feel honored to be learning with such a brilliant group of not only staff, but peers as well. Having the opportunity to pursue something I’ve wanted to for the majority of my life is truly remarkable.”
Katie is currently a freshman studying paleontology at Fort Hays State University.
Sierra Bornheim (NY)
Sierra (left) helping undercut a plaster jacketed fish fossil in 2018
“The most important reason I want to go back to camp this year is for the people. I’m really excited to see all of my friends who live in different states, and make new friends too. Almost everyone I’ve met at camp has been amazing, and I want to make as many friends as possible. I love how at camp, I can be myself. I don’t hide who I am or talk less or make myself sound dumber than I am. People like me, and I like them. The community is really my favorite part of camp.”
– Sierra Bornheim (New York): Field Paleontology: Kansas (2017, 2018), Intro Fossil Preparation Methods (2019), Field Paleontology: Australia (2019), Intro Research Methods (2019)
Sierra is currently a junior at Brown University studying paleontology.
Remy Story (CA)
Remy with a fossil she found on the Oregon coast
“My favorite campsite wasn’t really a campsite. It was in the middle of nowhere and I loved it. The mountains created dark, sinister shadows while the bright yellow sky contrasted it and faded into hot pink, blue, then gray. The small but bright wildflower bushes complemented the sky and made everything come together. It was so beautiful! We also went to John Day Fossil Beds. I want to be a paleontologist and it was interesting to learn what types of jobs are out there for future paleontologists.”
– Remy Story (California): Paleontology Explorers Oregon (2019)
Brandon Schmidt (IA)
Brandon Schmidt with a millipede found during Southwest Biology Camp.
“This trip, overall, was the greatest life changing experience for me. It was like being so far away from all my troubles and so close to nature, and it gave me a sense of fulfillment. I like to say that it took nine days and 2,800 miles in total to make me feel as though I’m certain that I want to dedicate my life to biology and the natural sciences.”
Everett Gray showing off a fish fossil found while prospecting in Kansas.
“The Sternberg Paleontology Field Camp was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Prehistoric times have always been an interest of mine, from the moment I learned about dinosaurs in preschool up until now. At the Sternberg Paleontology Field Camp, I learned more about paleontology than I could have ever imagined. This interest will persist, and I hope to attend the Sternberg Camp next year to experience the field work of paleontology once again. I plan on graduating in 2020, and applying to the University of Texas or another in-state school to study my many scientific interests such as paleontology.”
– Everett Gray (Texas): Field Paleontology Kansas (2018)
Alex Landwehr (KS)
Alex Landwehr working on undercutting a plaster-jacketed fossil fish.
“This camp experience provided many “firsts” for me. I had never camped in a tent before; I had never been away from family for that length of time; and I learned that given a significant purpose, I had endurance beyond my belief. It was definitely the highlight of my year.”
– Alex Landwehr (Kansas): Field Paleontology Kansas (2017, 2018); Staff (2019-2020)
Alex is currently a senior studying paleontology at Fort Hays State University.
Marjie Cone (IL)
Camps TA Marjie Cone with a piece of fossilized fish bone
“I have been participating in the Sternberg’s summer science camps for 4 years, and I have been an employee for the past 3 years. When I participated in my first camp, Paleontology camp of 2015, I knew that when I grew up I wanted to pursue Paleontology, but it was the camp that really got me hooked. The camps provided me my first real experience of field work. I love it so much that I keep coming back! This student education program with the Sternberg has enhanced my knowledge of my field of study. Teaching and participating in these programs is not only a pleasure, but I know that it has also increased my leadership abilities and scientific merit; therefore building more confidence in myself as a woman pursuing scientific studies.”
– Marjie Cone (Illinois): Field Paleontology Kansas (2015), Southwest Wildlife Biology Camp (2016), Expedition Ecuador (2017); Counselor (2016 & 2017), Teaching Assistant (2018), Program Development Assistant (2019, 2020)
Marjie is currently finishing her Masters in Geology at University of Georgia.
Maggie Wolf (KS)
Camps TA Maggie Wolf with a spider during Southwest Biology Camp
“The experiences I had were incredibly unique and valuable, and have helped me gain an advantage in school. This year, I took AP Biology, which was a difficult course because much of the material was unfamiliar and complex. The concepts we covered at camp helped me to have a solid knowledge base that I was able to build upon, allowing me to do better overall in the class. I greatly enjoyed the social interactions at the camp as well, and enjoyed making friends with interests similar to my own.”
Maggie Wolf (Kansas): Sternberg Paleontology Camp (2015), Southwest Biology Camp (2016), Expedition Ecuador (2017); Teaching Assistant (2018); Program Development Assistant (2019)
Maggie is currently finishing her Masters in Museum Studies at University of Colorado: Boulder.
Colton Farra (KS)
Southwest Biology Camp student Colton Farra, holding a bat captured during a data collection survey in New Mexico.
“One of the most beneficial activities in this program was the inclusion of scientific discussions at the end of each day to help us have a clear understanding of what we were doing and seeing. I found the questions that revolved around college and education to be most helpful in assisting me to choose the best route for my future education. I couldn’t be more thankful for the scientific discussions. My favorite area that we explored had to be White Sands National Monument. Getting to see such a unique area with specifically evolved life was amazing. This truly was a trip I will never forget.”
Three year camps student Jackson Stanton with a bat he disentangled from a net while assisting researchers in New Mexico during Southwest Biology Camp.
“Last year I attended Sternberg Biology Camp. It was the best week of my life. While at camp I had many firsts. I got to explore the White Sands National Monument. I learned how animals evolve to be more successful in their environment. I walked along ancient lava beds. I took part in a scientific study on bats. I learned how to make notes in the field for the study. I got to see many animals: rattle snakes, lizards, toads, scorpions, and many species of bats. Most importantly, I realized that someday I could have a job in the field of biology.”
– Jackson Stanton (Kansas): Field Naturalists Camp (2014), Southwest Wildlfie Biology (2015,2016), Ecuador Wildlife Biology (2017)
Arabelle Konrad (MI)
Returning high school camps student Arabelle Konrad, seen here mixing plaster and water for a plaster jacket during Sternberg Paleontology Camp.
“I go to a small school in rural West Michigan and I never meet anyone with similar interests to mine, so it was nice for me to hang out with kids who do share the same interests. The biology camp was a valuable experience for me because I have been trying to decide whether to get a major in biology or geology in college, so the biology camp was important because I was able to see an actual biologist working in the field. I also attended the paleontology camp, which was my favorite of the two camps. I’ve wanted to be a paleontologist for as long as I can remember, so I was very excited. Even though I attended the paleontology camp last summer, I learned even more this year. I am so happy and lucky to have been able to attend Sternberg’s summer camps. It is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Because of Sternberg, I know that I can fulfill my dream of becoming a paleontologist.”
- Arabelle Konrad (Michigan): Field Paleontology Kansas (2015-2016), Southwest Biology Camp (2016)
Christopher Noll (CA)
Chris Noll and Sternberg Paleontology Camp teaching assistant Jessica Barnett examining an owl skull during the comparative anatomy lab portion of the program.
“Everything was awesome ~ our daily schedule, field study site, lab exercises at FHSU, our Leader- David Levering, TA-Jessica Barnett, and lecturing professors Dr. Wilson and Dr. Thomasson! I was especially impressed with one aspect of the camp: As expected, the camp’s daily schedule exposed me to the dig and lab skills associated with being a paleontologist. What I didn’t expect, was that with each task there was discussion from David, Jess, and the professors on what it would take academically and professionally to become a paleontologist. Each evening while discussing the day’s experiences in the field, they tied those experiences to those we might encounter in college study or our research. I am better prepared for college in general having spent these two weeks at camp!”
- Christopher Noll (California): Field Paleontology Kansas (2016)
Jaxon Davison (KS)
“I never had a connection with people that started through a shared love for paleontology. The trip I took to the Paleo Academy: Kansas camp was not only eye opening to the possibilities of paleontology, but helped me make lifelong friends in the field. Without the scholarship that helped me go to this amazing experience, I never would’ve met the incredible friends I made, or the people that taught us the in’s and out’s of paleontology. The Sternberg Science camps were a pivotal moment in my paleo career, and I thank Sternberg for the scholarship that got me to the wonderful experience."
– Jaxon Davison (Kansas): Paleontology Academy Kansas (2024)
Addison Lacy (WI)
“During camp I learned so much! I was able to spend lots of time with professionals asking questions and just listening to what they had to say. Everyone really wanted me to ask questions and was excited to answer them. I learned a lot about how field paleontology works, professionalism, the western interior seaway, and how to get into paleontology as a career. I was able to learn so much without getting overwhelmed. I think all that I learned will definitely help me in the future.
Getting to be around people that love the same thing as much as I do is amazing as well. Being able to talk about paleontology with other teenagers was really cool and not something I get to do very often. I've made some of the best friends I have ever had at this camp."
– Addison Lacy (Wisconsin): Staff Teaching Assistant (2024), Field Paleontology: Utah (2023), Field Paleontology: Kansas (2022), Paleontology Explorers Oregon (2019, 2020)
Mike Coyne (NY)
"A great thing about the Sternberg Science Camps is that they fill a niche that is not often provided by other educational outreach programs. There are a wide variety of resources for elementary age students who are just beginning to get interested in science, and a good number of resources for college students (if you know where to look.) However, there are far fewer resources available for middle school and high school students interested in paleontology and evolutionary biology, which keep their passion for the subject ignited. I hope that Sternberg Science Camps continues to provide this crucial resource to many other students for the foreseeable future."
– Mike Coyne (New York): Field Paleontology: Kansas, Intro to Fossil Preparation (2022), Virtual Camps (2020, 2021)
Breanda Gomez (CA)
"I have never been so excited to wake up the next day and continue working. The feeling I got when I was preparing my tiny fish fossil or sitting in front of a computer understanding 'R Programming' was one that I had never felt before. Before these camps, I did not know what it meant to truly feel that I was headed down the right path, that I was moving myself toward where I’m supposed to be.
Paleontology is something I am incredibly passionate about, and these camps were the best thing to happen to my love for paleontology. Even better, these camps were an engaging way to get me excited to work with other scientists when I continue to participate in scientific opportunities in the future."
– Breanda Gomez (California): Paleontology Research Methods (2019), Intro to Fossil Preparation (2019), Virtual Camps (2020), Camps Staff (2021)
Breanda is currently a junior at Amherst University where she is studying paleontology.
Katie Gatlin (OK)
As a student, your education programs have helped me grow exponentially. The lessons taught to me by your incredible staff have stayed with me since my first attendance in 2015 as a sixth grader. Each of them I routinely use both in school, and out. My time in your programs has led me down a path I will continue to follow over the course of my life. With my intentions of becoming a paleontologist, your work has allowed me to see what I enjoy most in the fields of science. I feel honored to be learning with such a brilliant group of not only staff, but peers as well. Having the opportunity to pursue something I’ve wanted to for the majority of my life is truly remarkable.”
– Katie Gatlin (Oklahoma): Paleontology Expedition Camp (2015, 2017), Utah Naturalist Camp (2016), Field Paleontology Kansas (2018), Field Volcanology (2019); Staff 2019, 2022
Katie is currently a freshman studying paleontology at Fort Hays State University.
Sierra Bornheim (NY)
“The most important reason I want to go back to camp this year is for the people. I’m really excited to see all of my friends who live in different states, and make new friends too. Almost everyone I’ve met at camp has been amazing, and I want to make as many friends as possible. I love how at camp, I can be myself. I don’t hide who I am or talk less or make myself sound dumber than I am. People like me, and I like them. The community is really my favorite part of camp.”
– Sierra Bornheim (New York): Field Paleontology: Kansas (2017, 2018), Intro Fossil Preparation Methods (2019), Field Paleontology: Australia (2019), Intro Research Methods (2019)
Sierra is currently a junior at Brown University studying paleontology.
Remy Story (CA)
“My favorite campsite wasn’t really a campsite. It was in the middle of nowhere and I loved it. The mountains created dark, sinister shadows while the bright yellow sky contrasted it and faded into hot pink, blue, then gray. The small but bright wildflower bushes complemented the sky and made everything come together. It was so beautiful! We also went to John Day Fossil Beds. I want to be a paleontologist and it was interesting to learn what types of jobs are out there for future paleontologists.”
– Remy Story (California): Paleontology Explorers Oregon (2019)
Brandon Schmidt (IA)
“This trip, overall, was the greatest life changing experience for me. It was like being so far away from all my troubles and so close to nature, and it gave me a sense of fulfillment. I like to say that it took nine days and 2,800 miles in total to make me feel as though I’m certain that I want to dedicate my life to biology and the natural sciences.”
– Brandon Schmidt (Iowa): Southwest Wildlife Biology Camp (2018, 2019)
Everett Gray (TX)
“The Sternberg Paleontology Field Camp was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Prehistoric times have always been an interest of mine, from the moment I learned about dinosaurs in preschool up until now. At the Sternberg Paleontology Field Camp, I learned more about paleontology than I could have ever imagined. This interest will persist, and I hope to attend the Sternberg Camp next year to experience the field work of paleontology once again. I plan on graduating in 2020, and applying to the University of Texas or another in-state school to study my many scientific interests such as paleontology.”
– Everett Gray (Texas): Field Paleontology Kansas (2018)
Alex Landwehr (KS)
“This camp experience provided many “firsts” for me. I had never camped in a tent before; I had never been away from family for that length of time; and I learned that given a significant purpose, I had endurance beyond my belief. It was definitely the highlight of my year.”
– Alex Landwehr (Kansas): Field Paleontology Kansas (2017, 2018); Staff (2019-2020)
Alex is currently a senior studying paleontology at Fort Hays State University.
Marjie Cone (IL)
“I have been participating in the Sternberg’s summer science camps for 4 years, and I have been an employee for the past 3 years. When I participated in my first camp, Paleontology camp of 2015, I knew that when I grew up I wanted to pursue Paleontology, but it was the camp that really got me hooked. The camps provided me my first real experience of field work. I love it so much that I keep coming back! This student education program with the Sternberg has enhanced my knowledge of my field of study. Teaching and participating in these programs is not only a pleasure, but I know that it has also increased my leadership abilities and scientific merit; therefore building more confidence in myself as a woman pursuing scientific studies.”
– Marjie Cone (Illinois): Field Paleontology Kansas (2015), Southwest Wildlife Biology Camp (2016), Expedition Ecuador (2017); Counselor (2016 & 2017), Teaching Assistant (2018), Program Development Assistant (2019, 2020)
Marjie is currently finishing her Masters in Geology at University of Georgia.
Maggie Wolf (KS)
“The experiences I had were incredibly unique and valuable, and have helped me gain an advantage in school. This year, I took AP Biology, which was a difficult course because much of the material was unfamiliar and complex. The concepts we covered at camp helped me to have a solid knowledge base that I was able to build upon, allowing me to do better overall in the class. I greatly enjoyed the social interactions at the camp as well, and enjoyed making friends with interests similar to my own.”
Maggie Wolf (Kansas): Sternberg Paleontology Camp (2015), Southwest Biology Camp (2016), Expedition Ecuador (2017); Teaching Assistant (2018); Program Development Assistant (2019)
Maggie is currently finishing her Masters in Museum Studies at University of Colorado: Boulder.
Colton Farra (KS)
“One of the most beneficial activities in this program was the inclusion of scientific discussions at the end of each day to help us have a clear understanding of what we were doing and seeing. I found the questions that revolved around college and education to be most helpful in assisting me to choose the best route for my future education. I couldn’t be more thankful for the scientific discussions. My favorite area that we explored had to be White Sands National Monument. Getting to see such a unique area with specifically evolved life was amazing. This truly was a trip I will never forget.”
– Colton Farra (Kansas): Southwest Wildlife Biology (2017)
Jackson Stanton (KS)
“Last year I attended Sternberg Biology Camp. It was the best week of my life. While at camp I had many firsts. I got to explore the White Sands National Monument. I learned how animals evolve to be more successful in their environment. I walked along ancient lava beds. I took part in a scientific study on bats. I learned how to make notes in the field for the study. I got to see many animals: rattle snakes, lizards, toads, scorpions, and many species of bats. Most importantly, I realized that someday I could have a job in the field of biology.”
– Jackson Stanton (Kansas): Field Naturalists Camp (2014), Southwest Wildlfie Biology (2015,2016), Ecuador Wildlife Biology (2017)
Arabelle Konrad (MI)
“I go to a small school in rural West Michigan and I never meet anyone with similar interests to mine, so it was nice for me to hang out with kids who do share the same interests. The biology camp was a valuable experience for me because I have been trying to decide whether to get a major in biology or geology in college, so the biology camp was important because I was able to see an actual biologist working in the field. I also attended the paleontology camp, which was my favorite of the two camps. I’ve wanted to be a paleontologist for as long as I can remember, so I was very excited. Even though I attended the paleontology camp last summer, I learned even more this year. I am so happy and lucky to have been able to attend Sternberg’s summer camps. It is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Because of Sternberg, I know that I can fulfill my dream of becoming a paleontologist.”
- Arabelle Konrad (Michigan): Field Paleontology Kansas (2015-2016), Southwest Biology Camp (2016)
Christopher Noll (CA)
“Everything was awesome ~ our daily schedule, field study site, lab exercises at FHSU, our Leader- David Levering, TA-Jessica Barnett, and lecturing professors Dr. Wilson and Dr. Thomasson! I was especially impressed with one aspect of the camp: As expected, the camp’s daily schedule exposed me to the dig and lab skills associated with being a paleontologist. What I didn’t expect, was that with each task there was discussion from David, Jess, and the professors on what it would take academically and professionally to become a paleontologist. Each evening while discussing the day’s experiences in the field, they tied those experiences to those we might encounter in college study or our research. I am better prepared for college in general having spent these two weeks at camp!”
- Christopher Noll (California): Field Paleontology Kansas (2016)